Begin the Practice of Grief

Begin the Practice of Grief

in Grief

Grief is neither a disorder nor a healing process; it is a sign of health itself, a whole and natural gesture of love. – Gerald May Experiencing grief is an inevitable part of living and loving. It is a deeply personal journey with no right or wrong way to go through it; however, you must go through it, you must allow… continue

Notes of Encouragement: Stillness

Notes of Encouragement: Stillness

in Stillness

Dear Friend, I am writing you this note of encouragement as the whirling and churning of your mind is evident in the busy-ness that I see you indulging in day by day. Your thoughts charging ahead so fast in an effort to escape the things that you would rather remain unsaid, the sobs that are at the back of your… continue

Practice Stillness

Practice Stillness

in Stillness

Stillness – it is a state not commonly practiced in our culture. Instead, we fill our worlds with noise and busyness, often as a purposeful barrier to confronting our own deep pain. Sometimes, well-intentioned friends even encourage us to stay busy so that we can keep our minds off of whatever struggle we find ourselves in, and we happily comply,… continue

Notes of Encouragement: Surrender

Notes of Encouragement: Surrender

in Surrender

Dear Friend, I am sending this note of encouragement because the weight of your worry is palpable in your spirit and on your countenance. I have been where you are – terrified to let go of all that you have been holding onto for so long but desperate to end this pain.   I submitted to the act of surrender… continue

Begin the Practice of Surrender

Begin the Practice of Surrender

in Surrender

What do you think of when you hear the word “Surrender”? If I were to venture a guess, I would say that the word probably has a negative connotation for you. Maybe phrases like “Raising the white flag,”  “Throwing in the towel,” or “Giving up” come to mind. What if I told you that Surrender doesn’t have to be negative?… continue

There was once a time I was rapidly losing hope

There was once a time I was rapidly losing hope

in Living Hope

There was once a time I was rapidly losing hope. It felt as though the struggle would never give way to peace and contentment. When I felt like I couldn’t take anymore, I finally let go and submitted to the release that comes when you surrender. Through surrender, I allowed myself the opportunity to indulge in the quiet reflection that only… continue

Why A Community?

Why A Community?

in Living Hope

Living Hope took many forms before it became what you see now. In its earliest manifestations, the content was focused on my individual encounter with the world and my evaluation of those experiences. While that might be helpful at the micro level, and even, in some cases, a form of entertainment, how is it helpful at the macro level, to… continue

Welcome to Living Hope!

Welcome to Living Hope!

in Living Hope

Living Hope is an active community of people who have endured life-changing trials but have come out on the other side – not unscathed, but evolved; evolved into Hope Practitioners by choosing to see the world through the lens of Hope. What are Hope Practitioners, you ask? Put simply, Hope Practitioners are people who actively choose Hope. But more specifically,… continue